SWIFT Business Forum Romania, Ediţia a II-a
„Establishing together Bucharest as a Major Regional Financial Center”
Cea de a doua ediţie a SWIFT Business Forum Romania, cu titlul „Establishing together Bucharest as a Major Regional Financial Center”, a avut loc la data de 3 noiembrie 2011 la Bucureşti, în Atriumul Institutului Bancar Român, având ca teme principale de discuţie proiectele comunităţii financiar-bancare din România în contextul iniţiativelor europene, precum şi impactul acestor iniţiative, atât în domeniul plăţilor, cât şi al tranzacţiilor cu instrumente financiare.
Organizatori: SWIFT, Depozitarul Central, Asociaţia Română a Băncilor
Parteneri: Institutul Bancar Român, Allevo
SWIFT 2015 Strategy – Guy Beniada, SWIFT Board Member, Managing Director, ING Belgium;
SWIFT Pricing and Traffic Insights Romania – Andre Boico, Head of Pricing, SWIFT;
SWIFT Index – Andre Boico, Head of Pricing, SWIFT;
Trends in the Financial and Banking Industry – Felix Enescu, Executive Partner, Gartner Romania;
TARGET2-Romania, the first euro payment system operating in Romania – Luiza Lucaci, Head of Division, TARGET2 Management, Payments Department, National Bank of Romania;
To be or not to be: Changing the retail payment system before joining Euro Zone. Why? – Ionel Dumitru, Head of PMO, Strategy& Marketing Department, Transfond SA;
Roundtrip in SWIFT´s new Payments Offering – Judit Baracs, Senior Account Director Payments Markets AT & CEE, SWIFT;
Interoperability and Open Source in Payments Systems – Corina Mihalache, Business Analyst, Allevo;
Securities Industry Trends: Message Standards, T2S and Corporate Actions – John Falk, Securities Market Infrastructures, SWIFT;
Recent developments in the Romanian Interbank Market – Cătălin Cheşu, Head of Division, Financial Instruments Depository and Settlement, Payments Department, National Bank of Romania;
Gateway to Efficient Settlement and Asset Servicing TARGET2 Securities Highlights – Gheorghe Tudor, Convenor Romanian National Market Practice Group, Strategies, Development and Communication Manager, Depozitarul Central;
Romanian National Market Practice Group, What’s on the horizon – Irina Savastre, Head of Global Securities Services Romania, UniCredit Tiriac Bank;
SWIFT in Post Trade Business – Nigel Evans, Senior Account Director Broker Dealers & Treasury, SWIFT.