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Piața serviciilor financiar bancare se află într-o nouă etapă de evoluție, fiind preocupată de redefinirea unor noi modele de afaceri, dezvoltarea de noi servicii, menită să aducă o mai mare deschidere, transparență, competitivitate și să stimuleze inovaţia. În sectorul financiar bancar, pe plan mondial, noile priorități sunt digitalizarea şi inovația. Modelul digital a schimbat jocul pentru totdeauna: a rămâne relevant în sfera serviciilor financiar bancare înseamnă a deveni o parte activă a vieții digitale a unui client.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about new challenges for financial institutions, for the business environment and for the population, with movement restrictions and social distancing accelerating the usage of remote services. If, until now, we were talking about the opportunities generated by technology, today, digitalization has indeed become a must in order to continue providing for customers access to products and services, efficiently and safely, on short and medium-term but also on a longer period of time – which cannot be known currently, due to the many unknown aspects in the development of this unprecedented global crisis.

Contemplating innovation and digitalization, the financial & banking industry is one of the most dynamic sectors, rolling out a number of projects meant to lead to major structural changes. These changes are related to enhancing the performance of the services delivered to customers but also to the automation and modernization of internal systems, in line with technological progress.

Adopting digital technologies in financial & banking services addresses consumers’ expectations and requirements regarding the simplification of the access to banking operations via the new information and telecommunication technologies, while, at the same time, enhancing the financial inclusion of the people living in less-developed areas.

The general amenity of Romania’s economy before foreign investors and competitiveness improvements in any domain – by providing a level playing field regarding access to payment applications and services, investments, loans and deposits – are the direct consequences of digitalization in banking & finance.

For the banking sector, the wide-scale implementation of digital solutions and the maximal turning to account of their scope potential lead to increasing customer satisfaction and to a larger customer base, next to cost cutting, which, in the end, will be transferred to the benefit of consumers – via tariff cuts for accessing and making several financial & banking operations.

Asociaţia Română a Băncilor promovează dialogul cu toate părţile interesate – factori instituţionali, reprezentanţi ai asociaţiilor de consumatori, mediul de afaceri, mass media – pentru îmbunătăţirea şi armonizarea cadrului legal în vigoare, astfel încât acesta să permită accelerarea procesului de adoptare a tehnologiilor digitale în domeniul financiar-bancar.

The project targets certain types of problems which can be addressed in order to reach the aim mentioned above, such as:

Simplifying the procedures on the authentication and verification of customer identity under the KYC procedures:

Accepting digital documents and customers’ consent in digital format:

Simplifying the procedures on the proof of customer revenues:

The Digital Agenda Platform includes the following completed / under construction projects of the banking community:
