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The banking community has been concerned about the consequences of fraud related to forgery and to identity theft as well as to the use of forgery in the case of labour documents. We continue to state the necessity of implementing some projects having as aim the protection of good-faith customers and the avoidance of incidents which could affect the banking sector’s image and stability.

The Romanian Association of Banks (RAB) proposes to the authorities a set of concrete institutional collaboration manners with a view to provide efficient legal protection for the users of bank products and services, needless to say with the customers’ previous and express conse

RAB has been interested in the continuation of the actions related to the completion of the project on verifying the authenticity of the identity documents submitted by bank customers applying to be granted diverse banking products, documents considered suspicious. The verification of their authenticity in the data base of the Directorate for Persons Records and Data Bases Management of the Ministry of the Administration and the Interior targets the protection of both customers and banks by eliminating the fraud related to forgery and to identity theft. The assessment of such actions’ impact should lead to enhanced protection for good-faith customers, with their previous express consent.

Moreover, the setting up of a formal framework for improving lending by mitigating fraud risk and a smoother operational lending process has been one of the main concerns of the banking community.

arb - Asigurarea utilizatorilor

ARB și ANAF au încheiat un Protocol de colaborare prin intermediul căruia băncile pot verifica veniturile solicitanților de credite persoane fizice și situațiile financiare ale persoanelor juridice (cu acordul solicitantului). Documentul vizează îmbunătățirea activității de creditare prin reducerea riscului de fraudă și fluidizarea procesului operațional de creditare, ca urmare a simplificării documentației solicitate aplicantului, asigurarea unui mecanism adecvat care să conducă la creșterea gradului de bancarizare a populației, cât și prevenirea și combaterea evaziunii fiscale, prin furnizarea cu operativitate a informațiilor deținute de fiecare parte semnatară.

In order to query fiscal information, credit institutions, signatories of the Protocol, request from applicants the signing of a written “Agreement”, on paper or in electronic format, document which observes the law. These agreements include persons’ identification data, their contact data, as well as an express mention regarding the validity of an Agreement, i.e. 5 business days since the date the respective agreement was signed by a taxpayer. We must mention that RAB does not process the personal data related to this protocol belonging to third parties, the customers; this data is processed by the bank where the respective customer has his/her account.

Protocolul de colaborare încheiat inițial în 2015 a necesitat modificarea și completarea sa cu prevederile privind prelucrarea datelor cu caracter personal, respectiv facilitarea accesului consumatorilor persoane fizice la un cont de plăți cu servicii de bază în condițiile Legii nr. 258/2017, iar noua formă de Protocol a intrat în vigoare în primul semestrul din 2019 fiind semnată de 31 de bănci.
